(play, 2018)
“A courageous and powerful play”
Simone Molitor, Lëtzebuerger Journal (23.10.2018)
On an ordinary Easter Sunday, during the night shift in a retirement home for dementia
patients, a seemingly innocent joke takes a violent turn, unraveling carefully constructed
power dynamics. A microcosm implodes. Jumping back and forth through time, the
play tries to reconstruct the events of that night. The nursing home employees are
grasping at shreds of meaning to make some sort of sense of what happened,
management is trying to contain the situation, while the daughter of one of the
patients is fighting for answers. Inspired by real events.
“DISKO DEMENTIA polarisiert und rüttelt auf. (…)
Dies auch dank eines sehr starken Textes und des facettenreiches Schauspiel der Akteure.”
“DISKO DEMENTIA polarises and stirs. (…)
Thanks to a very strong text and multilayered performances.”
Anina Valle Thiele, d’Land (26.10.2018)
“Ein mutiges und eindringliches Stück”
“A courageous and powerful play”
Simone Molitor, Lëtzebuerger Journal (23.10.2018)
MASKéNADA, Ministère de la Culture, Oeuvre Nationale de Secours GD Charlotte
writer Larisa Faber Luxembourgish translation Anne-Marie Reuter
director Linda Bonvini designer Peggy Wurth
movement director Marcin Rudy lighting designer Nico Tremblay
with: Fabienne Elaine Hollwege, Bob Verbrugge, Elisabet Johannesdottir, Larisa Faber & Fábio Godinho
project photos © Bohumil Kostohryz